Monday, July 18, 2011

Need girl advice here please I feel like I'm in love.?

Ok there's this girl I meet at my cousins house and my cousin is a girl btw. So ok I saw this girl twice and the first time we meet we had really deep eye contact and my heart was Pumping hard and every thing felt like it was in slow motion. Then we saw each other again about a week later. And this time I had my shirt off because I just got done swimming and yea I have a 6 pack. I caught her looking me up and down once when I looked back she looked away real fast. Then like 30 secs later she looked me up and Dow. Again I caught her again this time she didnt look away she went off into andead stare in my eyes and I went off in a stare into her eyes to. And then she grab her arm i dont know if she was nervous or what. But I am interested in her and my aunt had told her because she caught us looking at each other and my aunt said do you think she is cute i said yea very. Then she said imma tell her that I said thats fine with me. So she did and when she told her she said that she just looked at her her being my aunt. And I don't know what that means? And I decided to leave my number for this girl and my aunt said I'll give it to her. And btw I left it to my aunt to give to her because I never know when I'll be outhere and my aunts gonna tell her this for me since she wasn't there. Say for me here's his number he said he would like to get to know you better if that's ok with you?. Was that a good idea for me to do? So is this girl interested in me or not and what does that mean when she just looked at her does that mean she is caught off guard and nervous and doesnt know what to say? Please answer. And btw my aunt tells her this because I never know when I'm out to there house we just go and so she told her for me I look at it as I'm making an effort. And I feel so strongly for her like I've know. Her before. And next time i see her what should I say to start a conversation with her? And she seems very nervous. And why is she different from other girls I feel nervous to even approach her why is this when I've never done this b4 to any other girls? Ab PS the first time she saw me she was with my cousin and she went off in a dead stare in my eyes then when she was riding off she turned around to look at me again is that good or bad? And I know I'm not lusting I know myself when I lust for a girl. And you don't think I've made it really awakward for her so you I did the only thing that I could do was let her no any way I could that I like her so I did. And my sister isn't going to find out anything for me she just wants to be her friend to see if she mentioned menthen she would tell me if she said some thing food about me. And she initiated eye contact not me I caught her looking at me. Ad I didnt make the situation weird did I wasn't making an attempt to get to know her thru a relative and I'm somewhat why myself. I know she is I can tell. And I just hope what I did wasnt a bad idea atleast I'm bold about it I knew I wouldn't see her for a while my aunt is gonna tell he wanted me to give you this because he doesn't know the next time he will be out here and he said he would like to get to know you if that's ok with you he said.

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