Saturday, July 16, 2011

Can extended family having mental disorders make it more likely for you to get one (even a little)?

Im wondering this as I don't know if I have any direct family members that have mental disorders (my oldest brother was a drug abuser and my dad has been negative for longer than I've been alive and he claimed he was depressed before; but as I said Idk if either of them had mental issues), but I know I have a few cousins and aunts that have mental disorders, and I know I've been depressed/bipolar since senior year of high school (close to a year and a half or so ago). I get depressed spell that last usually from weeks to months, and manic spells that can last for a few days straight, or can be a minute at a time (or at least that's how I feel, its like im the happiest person on earth one minute, and almost crying the next); either way the manic spells last for a few days, just that I get momentary breaks if its the second way. I also think about cutting myself a lot when im anxious/depressed or in my rapid manic spells (again, that's how it feels to me sometimes) and I used to cut myself a lot, but im on medication and I go to therapy and im really trying to stop (though sometimes I enable myself by buying a knife and I secretly cut when I feel like I absolutely must when im in a bad depressed/anxious spell. I've also been thorough a lot over the course most of my life (for 14 of 20 years I've had my dad yelling at me, my mom nagging me to clean, and my oldest brother using me/my family and robbing me/my family blind, again for drugs as stated .) So does having extended family with mental issues make it more likely that you will have mental issues, or is it just direct family?

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