Friday, July 15, 2011

Need to find out if I was adopted?

Ok here is a little history. Im 32 years old. I love my mom but I have never been close to her. I have heard all the childhood stories but some are just hard to believe. She said she had to have a c-section to have me but there is no scar ( never was a scar couldnt of faded). Her and my dad were married 9 years before i was ( concived) Im a only chid and there was never any form of birth controll ( didnt believe in it ) they both have dark brown hair blue eyes i have light brown hair green eyes.(everyone in my family has blue eyes) However i have (had passed away) a aunt i look identical too so much that a pic of her at age 4 or 5 i swore was me untill i seen the date in the corner. my family can keep a secret locked away and never spill it. I would really like to no if my aunt is my biological mother if so i have a brother/cousin. i dont have the money for a dna test please if there is anyway anyone knows for me to start my search it would be helpful thanks oh and like i said asking the family is out of th question.

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