Friday, July 15, 2011

This question is for you girls be honest?

yes dummy. she does have feelings but you hurt her and you have to go above and beyond words do hurt and you can say i love you and im sorry everyday but it wont take the things you said away. the only way i can figure is that you all where not only best friends and someone to talk to, to trust and be honest someone to share all your demons with. but also had deep feelings for each other. you can only be honest and wake up everyday n think. "how can i show her not tell her and what can i do to make her life easier." she got alot of demons behind her pain and needs the love and support of her best friend.... she pushes away cause she needs you to persue her. im 32 and separated and only wanted a family and the truth. all i need is what i have said. forgods sake we are married not dating... 11 years of hard work and he shows none but says i love you and blah blah alot

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