Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Do you guys Believe this is a true fact or not?

I was talking to my aunt from the Dominican republic and she said that the problem with America is simply that we experiment with to many things, alot of the things we experiment with isn't necessary. One example of a unnecessary experiment is that whole Liger thing that wasn't necessary (combination of tiger and lion) alls that did is create a new species that is eventually going to be extinct because there is only one. Many countries have mass amount of bugs and insects but still manage to have good fruits and vegetables Americans contaminate it. Do you agree with this? I personally do. Give your honest opinions and if You know of any more unnecessary experiments feel free to tell. Please and thank you.

WELSH? got any reasons in welsh to expand your answer?

do you have any reasons to expand on an answer, to do with Ser o Gymru (stars in wales), Sbort (sports), and just general really? ?????

Is there a redeem code you need to get Ser Isaac's armor on Dragon Age 2?

If there is a redeem code for it, is anyone willing to trade it for my Black Emporium code? I didn't think that Dead Space 2 was worth $62.99 just for the armor, and I don't want to play it because it's kinda creepy :l .... So yeah I don't have the nerve to play it myself lol...

Cirrhosis??.. Help please..?

I overheard my aunt talking to my mom.. I just found out my dad is sick.. I heard the word cirrhosis and stage 1..I don't understand. is that a type of liver cancer?? i've searched through google but they're not making sense.. it could just be me, my my english knowledge is being compromised due to panic attack!.. can someone explain it in simple words? is this reversible? i'm still just a kid, can I be a donor to my dad? we can still stop it right?

Is it fine that I still help my girls wash their hair?

My girls are 8 and 13 years old. They're multiracial and have extremely thick and curly long hair. especially the older of the two. They are both very independent , they just have trouble washing their hair and rinsing out all the shampoo on their own. Both of my girls have 2 completely different hair types, but both have hair that becomes too knotted and tangled. Cutting their hair doesn't seem to help when it comes to styling, it just seems to be thicker. My oldest doesn't mind me helping her wash her hair, she wants me to. On her own she seems to miss spots and leaves the shampoo in and I end up having to help her anyways, she just has so much hair!!! Also when it comes to styling on her own she gets frustrated and upset easily and she cries. She hates when her hair becomes frizzy and she says she gets made fun of, she even says " why's my hair look like this??!!?" Considering I have very straight, fine hair I think sometimes its hard for her to understand. I will help her style her hair or have her older sister help her . She knows how to style her own hair, it just takes longer than she wants it to and she just doesn't have the patience and gets upset and asks for help. Do you see anything wrong with me helping them?

Best products to detangle baby's curly hair?

My DD is black/pacific islander and she has gorgeous curly hair. Not kinky curly, just corkscrew and waves. At the end of the day her hair is a hot mess of tangles, so I've been using some baby detangler (Johnson & Johnson I think) every night. But I really don't like it- it sort of leaves a film on her hair. Anyone with mixed babies know what works well for their hair? I'm not using any other products except detangler, but still I want to use something good that won't damage her hair so early. Thanks!

Help me regarding permanent hair extension?

they are really good. i have them, some do get tangled but in the long term you dont get half as much damage as you do with clue a weave, they are better for keeping your hair in good condition, they are just that bit more visable. good luck :)

Price check on Smith Wesson 581 Nickel?

I would NOT pay any more than $400 tops for this gun. Reasons are, this is a fixed sighted service revolver, and plenty were made. The only reason why people are asking asanine price for them is , because they are out of production.

Mh3 r ludroth help anyone? plz help?

i want to kill the r ludroth in mh3. i have the bone ax+ the piscine armor ser and alloy mail and greaves. should i change anything or do i just suck? im a big noob to the game

Fill in this paragraph with the imperfect of the verbs ir, ser and ver?

Mi familia y yo viviamos en el campo. La casa era muy grande. Mis abuelos vivian con nosotros. Ellos eran pelirrojos cua do nosotros eran jovenes. Cada dia nosotros ibamos a pie a la escuela. Tu vei(accent over the i)as todo lo que pasaba en el camino a la escuela. Nuestro perro, Rey, iba con nosotros a la escuela. El era un perro muy obediente. En la escuela tu eras obediente, y entonces eras la estudiante favorita del profesor. Despues de la escuela yo iba a la casa de mis amigos Hector y Elias. Por la manana ellos iban de pesca con su padre, pero por la tarde nosotros ibamos al lago a nadar. Por la noche ellos veian (accent over the i) la tele y yo me quedaba con mi familia. No teniamos mucho, pero eramos felices.

Why would she do this?

bought my daughter a rapunzel tangled doll. and she took it in the bath with her and washed the doll's hair!!!! nothing happened to the doll's hair but im angry at my daughter why would she do this?

How old until i can choose were to live?

im now 11 and my parent f...... annoy me and my aunt said i could live with her so when is it possible hopefully soon

How do I find boarding for my dogs?

I personally don't know of any but I recommend you look for training kennels that specifically train guard dogs and ask if they offer boarding services, that way you know the people are knowledgeable when it comes to your dog's training. I think you're gonna have a hard time finding someone that will accept the wolf hybrid though...

How to keep curls in hair when detangling?

don't brush your hair!!!! oh my god that always messes it up. hy hair is the same as yours and i never brush it. just run your fingers lighty thru it and your good :)

Step families what would I call them?

If they are agreeable, and you are too, I would favour the dropping of the expression "step" it would make life less complicated, I found that after I married referring to my in-laws as mum and dad

What to give aunt for her birthday?

I'm young and her niece so I don't think me buying jewelry would fit. I want to give or show my gratitude for her and how I'm thankful to have her.

What should I get from the US?

My aunt and my cousins are in the states and they are asking me what I want... The problem is, i have no idea what I won't. I was wondering if pants, electronics etc... are cheaper in the US?

What should I do about my marriage?

I have told my husband that I do not want to "make up" with his sister or his aunt after a tirade they had with me over something that was none of their business. This has gone on for over 8 months. They said very hurtful things and I wish to have no more to do with them. I have no problem with him talking to them. They are his family. However, we are not invited to anything and he won't go without me. He got angry last night and told me that I either go to mediation with his sister about this, or he will divorce me. I could not believe this. Not only has he not told them off for treating me like this, but now he is threatening divorce. I love my husband and cannot believe his stand on this. I don't know what to do.

This is a character i'm made for a manga I'm working on? What do you guys think?

Sounds cool, but it would've been better if you had provided details about the manga storyline itself ^^" Since all I'm reading about is a character with no idea of his role in a story, I am unable to really say if he fits in. But standing alone, it sounds like a nice character design :D Good luck!

Flynn Ryder or Prince Naveen?

To help settle a dispute, do you think that Flynn Ryder from Tangled or Prince Naveen of Maldonia from Princess and the Frog is more attractive? Keep in mind personality (because you can have a sexy personality).

My friend's ear is

My friend got hit in the ear and he said it started ringing for about 2 minutes. He went swimming with us today and he said when he went underwater it felt like a nail went through his ear and his throat started burning. About 2 hours later, he tried to pop it and it made a squeaking sound that everyone could hear. My aunt( shes a nurse) said that he has swimmers hear, but we think he popped an eardrum. Should he talk to his mom or go see a doctor or ask my mom (a pharmacist) if he should use ear drops??? Whats the matter with his ear??

Amino acid residues structural formula! Anyone have any clue?

Part of the amino acid sequence of the enzyme trypsin that helps to digest your food can be represented by the three letter code for amino acids as Ser-Leu-Cys. Write out this sequence using structural formulae for the amino acid residues.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Help with Spanish verbs?

I started to do this.. but there were a lot I dont know.. and a lot I wasnt sure of.. so I didnt want to give you false information... (I just got done with my first year of spanish)

Help me! a mouse is stuck!?

there's a mouse stuck between the mesh in my chipmunk house. It's like really tangled and struggled when it saw me. There's a mouse dead next to it and died from being stuck in the mesh. it's so sad! i don't know what to do... it could be argued that's it's vermin but i don't want the little guy to suffer :'( what should i do?

How to convice parents to let me go on a differeng vacation than them?

My dad and step mom want to go on another vacation but i dont want to go on this one so how can i convince them to let me fly to my aunts house for the week (w/out them) instead. Btw she i always asking me to come visit in the summer since i dont c her alot.

I am looking for my Aunt Julie.?

Her name now as far as we know, is Julie Zack, maiden name Reed. We have searched for numbers and come up empty. We are running out of options. Her husbands name is likely to be Robert Zack. We really want to find her. If anyone has any info, knows anyone whose name is the same as above or possibly could tell us any place to look to find her, please email Thank you.

Disney's Tangled DVD?

I recently bought tangled on dvd off of ebay. It was brand new, but every time i play it (and this happens in every dvd player i've tried) an icon that looks like a camera ramdomly pops up at the top of the screen during movie play. It's really annoying and distracting from the film! Is there a way i can remove this or will i just have to go a store and buy a new one?? Thanks! ( please excuse any typing errors as i am on my ipod)

How do u trust in the catholic church again?

My faith in the church has been broken. Yes, I was wronged, so if I wasnt wronged things would b fine. But since I was wronged, my faith in the church is shaken. Because I tangled with ppl who had friends in high places, so they won. But Im loosing faith in the church due to a few of it's workers. How do I regain trust in the church which I trusted to guard me, due to my faith? thanks for honest answers.

Spanish question. Question about "ser" and "estar"?

The difference is not notable in English. In Spanish it is clear that ser is durable and does not go away but estar is current and can change. Estoy mal is different from soy malo because you can feel better sometime. Soy malo means you are bad to the bone.

Caring for a blackbird fledgling?

If you manage to get the bird to eat you should be fine, but to be honest, and as hard hearted as it sounds, you should have left the bird where you found it. They are not rare, and natural selection removes birds that attempt to leave the nest too early for a reason.

Need help with road runner and microsoft outlook syncing with black berry curve?

Im giving my aunt my blackberry curve she uses a roadrunner email address for work and microsoft outlook ive been trying to sync the road runner email with it the only thing is that it takes far to long to recive emails and also if i send a email it will not show as sent on her computer through microsoft outlook is there anyone who can help me with this?

Would you trust this person to groom?

sorry no i wouldn't trust a 15yr old to groom my dogs. does she know how to handle all dogs? some dogs with under coats can't be cut like normal dogs. I know you said you have a yorkie i am just wondering I have two terriers and their groomer said that most terriers they have groomed hate to have their feet touched as mine do would she know what to do? unless i knew her or had a friend use her then no. good luck

Home DNA Paternity Test?

Yes they work but are not admissible in court. But for personal use it would be fine and should give you an accurate result.

What does he think of me? Please answer!!! ?

yes, I honestly think he knows that you are mixed but i do not think he really cares because if he did care he probably would have said something about it or asked you.

Poem about a storm--or is it?

It is interesting. I dont understand what might be an underlying message, but there are segments of it where I can almost see it isn't about a storm, as in rain.

Trimming a dog's neglected claws (several questions)?

First, you won't be able to use the guillotines if the nails are curled under. In this situation, I'd say it's best to take the dog to a vet to have it done. Mine charges $15

Girl names??????????????????

I need some original names for a poem and also my aunt is pregnant wow lots of people are pregnant anyways do you guys have any unique or original names maybe you can change the pronunciation or the spelling maybe even combine 2 names i just need some help

Will my 4 gauges close?? Please help?

Well my family hates that I stretch my ears so my aunt told me to take them out but I'm guna be with her till Sunday so I can only wear them at night. If I take them out during the day and put them in at night for the next two days will I be Ok or will they shrink?

Spanish Football Section...I have an important question...?

Dude you aren't even Spanish. Stop pretending you speak the language. This is just so embarrassing and awkward. I bet if you knew any folk from Barcelona they would just feel really awkward that you are celebrating like this. Just grow up dude and support your local team. This is so awkward for me that I feel embarrassed for you.

What do you think of this statement about my much younger wife...?

Your friend may be right, the girl may have 'Daddy Issues'. But, hey, if you love her and she loves you, what does it matter? Or, it could just be that your friend is jealous. I know I am! LOL

Question for you girls?


Why are cartoon bad people almost always ethnic?

From Cruella Deville to Gargamel to Tangled, Despicable Me, Boris and Natasha, and it seems that having dark hair, off white skin, and a curved or crooked nose and an accent seems to automatically make you a bad character. Think about what that is teaching millions of kids across the globe. Has this point ever been raised? Has there ever been a blonde/blue eye cartoon villian?

Why does my dog stop and go on the leash?

We just recently got a harness and leash for my pitbull mix and when I walk her she constantly stops and goes and i feel like shes walking me! she also always walks or stops right in front of me and once i tripped over her! any advice to keep her to not walk in short strides and get me tangled in the leash?

How to remove the complaint which i made in indian consumer complaints website ,,,,plz help me ,,,i was in ser?

how to remove the complaint which i made in indian consumer complaints website ,,,,plz help me ,,,i was in serious trouble ,,,,,,,plzzzzzz help me friends

Is my spanish correct in this letter?

porque is because. Por que is why. That was the only thing wrong in the very beginning. And i dont know if it matters to you but if you want to say i will write more letters you could use " Escribire mas cartas" or you can leave it as i am going to write more letters which you have since you used voy a escribir.. but either way it works. And i think you are okay using the tu form

Monday, July 18, 2011

What happened to my hair? D:?

Yeah I've had that problem before!! Sometimes when I come out of the shower, my hair is so unpredictible. It will come out even more greasy looking, bushy or curly. Well I dont think it has to do with your hormones, but probably how you handled your hair. You could've put too much conditioner/shampoo in or something

Am I crazy to think I have a parasite?

Have you been tested for Chrohns disease, ulcerative colitis, or diverticulosis? If you have then it is imperative that you find a doctor who will take your condition seriously and perform all test neccessary to find out if you have a parasite or some other disease.

Anyone know what series this is?

It's a series aimed at younger readers about a girl who grew up with a close tie to indians. The person she'd been living with, her dad(?), died, and she had to go live in a more populated area with her aunt and uncle who were really rich. I think she was sent off to an all girl's boarding school that occasionally had joint events with an all boy's school. She became close to a rich boy from that other school, and her childhood friend was jealous (he'd promised to get her dad's cabin back someday and marry her). Think she had a tendency of getting in trouble and solving mysteries, but I don't really remember much else. >_< Does that ring a bell for anyone? I tried looking through my library checkout history, but I don't think it records as far back as when I checked out those books. Oh. Also, her aunt and uncle had a child of their own later on in the series that was sick and always crying, and the girl was jealous at no longer being the only child.

Que significa cuando tu pareja te pide tiempo? es bueno darse tiempo en una relacion?

Hola chikos! creen que la relacion puede ser la misma despues d tomarse un tiempo? creen que puedan mejorar las cosas? creen k pueda haber la misma confianza i la relacion pura que se tiene desde el principio?? que hacer cuando tu pareja t pide tiempo despues d tener muxxos problemas en la relacion pero que la mayoria de las veces es esa persona kien tuvo la culpa de tomos los problemas??? ayudenme xfavor me urge saber su opinio...

Can anybody tell me if this book is going to be any good?

no no just no. It would work if it was just freaky and depressing. look up some marilyn manson and salad fingers for inspiration

Where is this song in the film Tangled?

This, according to the official Tangled movie soundtrack, is called 'When Will My Life Begin (Reprise 1)' and comes after the first one and before the second reprise, when she leaves the tower with Flynn Rider. In the movie and CD, reprise 1 comes just before 'Mother Knows Best', so just before Rapunzel asks Mother Gothel to leave the tower.

Could someone tell me more about rapunzel from tangled?

i'm playing rapunzel at a birthday party for a 5 year old. I've watched the movie but i'd still like to know a little more about the character. I have a costume, a pascal, and a frying pan.

Is the tower in 'Tangled' inspired by German architecture?

Is the construction of the tower and the village featured in 'Tangled' inspired by German architecture?

My Uncle Phil Hit Me? Please Help Me?

buy her some peanuts...then when she gets thirsty buy are a soda...then when she has to pee from the soda, walk her to the bathroom...guard the door so no one gets in.....then take her to a her some popcorn with extra butter, some sour gummy worms, some choclate almounds, and a extra extra extra extra extra extra large diet soda, so she doesnt gain any weight...maybe some nachos too, and some ice whatever movie she wants to see...then after the movies take her out to dinner...maybe a fancy itialian resteraunt...order the best pasta, the most expensive wine, and a fancy dessert..after that, take a long walk through the park under the stars, then maybe a paddle boat ride on the river...oh and take her her a few new dresses, some accessories, like a watch, some ear rings, a necklace, some bracelets, a few rings, some sunglasses, a purse or two, and make sure you buy her a few pair of shoes...after a long night, take her to a fancy hotel, with a massage therepaist, and room service...make sure there is a big pool too, and an arcade..after a few nights in the hotel, fly her first class to Greece...give her a tour of the country,,,its a beautiful place...make sure you go and see all the historical land marks, buy a few souviners, take a swim in the ocean, try skydiving, eat at an over priced her some flowers, take her home, and then ask if you can back home....she cant say no to that!

Can a dog tell if I am pregnant?

I'm pretty sure, well almost positive that I'm not but my aunts dog has been acting very weird towards me. He shakes and whines every time I am around now and he used to barely pay any attention to me. My aunt even asked me last week if I was on my period by the way he was acting. I'm ttc so thats what makes me ask this question. Thanks.


You overuse the word "ancient". Are you sure women are treated this well in 1728? Most societies then were patriarchal, with the women being little more than figureheads. Other than that, very well written!

How big will my boobs be?

My mom and my grandmother have 36 and 34 D size and they are thin and 5'6 but on my dads side like my aunt and his mom have B's. How am i suppose to know how big im suppose to be? Am i suppose to look on my moms size or dads? Thanks for your help! ((:

Im 17 and my boyfriend is 22?

Im 17 and my boyfriend is 22 we have a baby together and my mom is ok with us being together. My aunt wants to call the cops on him. Can the police take him to jail if my mom and i tell them not to?

Can you help me on my Spanish Crossword?


Spanish: Ser and estar help?

I've never heard that one before... but I know "for how you feel and where you are always use the verb estar"

Am I Prego? Girls or Doctors?

Its very possible if your not having protected sex. I am having some of the same symptoms as you and I am worried too. I can test in-till next Thursday so I know how you feel!! its nerve wrecking!

Just don't want to be around my family...?

At your age you have no choice as where to live. Allowing them to stress you out can cause harm to your health. You need to find an outlet that allow you to find peace in your heart. They are not going to change so you must find your own way that will allow you to accept them for their faults without you falling into the same pattern.

Out of town and need money??!?

Im visiting my aunt in Pennsylvania and im having allot of fun!! But we r goin shopping soon (YAY!). I only have 15$ left and i need 2 get some extra cash! What do i do??

Need girl advice here please I feel like I'm in love.?

Ok there's this girl I meet at my cousins house and my cousin is a girl btw. So ok I saw this girl twice and the first time we meet we had really deep eye contact and my heart was Pumping hard and every thing felt like it was in slow motion. Then we saw each other again about a week later. And this time I had my shirt off because I just got done swimming and yea I have a 6 pack. I caught her looking me up and down once when I looked back she looked away real fast. Then like 30 secs later she looked me up and Dow. Again I caught her again this time she didnt look away she went off into andead stare in my eyes and I went off in a stare into her eyes to. And then she grab her arm i dont know if she was nervous or what. But I am interested in her and my aunt had told her because she caught us looking at each other and my aunt said do you think she is cute i said yea very. Then she said imma tell her that I said thats fine with me. So she did and when she told her she said that she just looked at her her being my aunt. And I don't know what that means? And I decided to leave my number for this girl and my aunt said I'll give it to her. And btw I left it to my aunt to give to her because I never know when I'll be outhere and my aunts gonna tell her this for me since she wasn't there. Say for me here's his number he said he would like to get to know you better if that's ok with you?. Was that a good idea for me to do? So is this girl interested in me or not and what does that mean when she just looked at her does that mean she is caught off guard and nervous and doesnt know what to say? Please answer. And btw my aunt tells her this because I never know when I'm out to there house we just go and so she told her for me I look at it as I'm making an effort. And I feel so strongly for her like I've know. Her before. And next time i see her what should I say to start a conversation with her? And she seems very nervous. And why is she different from other girls I feel nervous to even approach her why is this when I've never done this b4 to any other girls? Ab PS the first time she saw me she was with my cousin and she went off in a dead stare in my eyes then when she was riding off she turned around to look at me again is that good or bad? And I know I'm not lusting I know myself when I lust for a girl. And you don't think I've made it really awakward for her so you I did the only thing that I could do was let her no any way I could that I like her so I did. And my sister isn't going to find out anything for me she just wants to be her friend to see if she mentioned menthen she would tell me if she said some thing food about me. And she initiated eye contact not me I caught her looking at me. Ad I didnt make the situation weird did I wasn't making an attempt to get to know her thru a relative and I'm somewhat why myself. I know she is I can tell. And I just hope what I did wasnt a bad idea atleast I'm bold about it I knew I wouldn't see her for a while my aunt is gonna tell he wanted me to give you this because he doesn't know the next time he will be out here and he said he would like to get to know you if that's ok with you he said.

Hairdos while surfing?

I just started surfing. What I found most irritating is my hair. It's medium length, and everytime I get out of the water, my hair is all tangled and I always find myself scraping sand out of my hair. Any ideAs to prevent this?

Does this guy like me? What should I do?

I do not think im pretty at all but people tell me i am and i have very low self esteem....Each year my aunt and uncle have a BBQ on mothers day. The same people are there each year including my aunts family friends. So I was upstairs waiting for my cousin and this kid comes running up and sees me standing there, then he starts talking to me and he seemed really nervous and he starts asking me stuff about myself. Then he started to trying to be funny and he said "sorry my jokes aren't that good I'm a corney guy". So I found out he's 16(like me,we are 18 days apart) and he's getting a car soon. An hour later I was playing horseshoes and he came over and started playing with me. About a week after the party my aunt gave me his phone number, I texted him and he texted me back, we talked on occasion and some of the things he says to me makes me believe he likes me but I always text him so idk if he likes me, my bestfriend does. Does he like me or was he just being nice? Should I ask him out?

Walked in on aunt and uncle!!!!!?

I had to give something to my cousin because he left it at my house so my mom had me take it in to him so I walked in the door and I see them laying on the floor making out half naked so I throw my cousins wallet and run in the rain and get in the car so we could go and they didn't see me until after I left bc I threw the wallet so Im really embarrassed so what do I do and how do I handle if and I didn't tell anyone also I'm 13 male and this is a serious question!

What is the best detangler for curly hair?

Paul Mitchell has an amazing conditioner (which you can get cheaper at Sally Beauty Supply under the brand GVP) called The Detangler. It's really amazing stuff and combing is so much easier. Also, if you're not using a wide tooth comb, I suggest getting one.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Should i use ser or estar in this sentence?

"La muchacha que __ en mi clase de matematicas es muy intelignete." i know the second one is ser, but what about that blank?

Question for you girls please be honest?

To be honest, if you really cared you wouldn't but this on the internet.. & ask her. Stop being such an idiot, & get a life. Sorry,

How to handle hair while swimming?

Over the summer, I tend to go swimming a lot, but it's really hard to detangle my hair afterwards. I have thin, wavy hair. No matter what I do with my hair (hairstyle wise), it always gets very knotty and tangled. Are there any good detanglers and hairstyles that you can recommend that will minimize the tangles or help to get them out afterwards?

What to do with my hair at camp?

When I go to camp for 2 nights/days, I will have no access to showers. This shouldn't be a problem, but i have naturally curly, really easily-tangled-in-my-sleep, long hair. I usually take a shower every morning to detangle my hair. If I don't have access to showers, how will my hair survive? Does anyone know any techniques I could use to help prevent tangles in my sleep? Oh btw my camp is a surf camp :D

Why my aunt thinks im a pervert?

Im 12 years old,my Aunt is always saying that I touching my little cousin in a bad way.I try to tell her,but she never listens to me.I can't stand it anymore ! My Aunt's weird, I would never touch my little cousin like that, im not that kind of person. Shes bugs me, what should I do ? ( Please help me!)

Mi abuelo fue bracero en 1945-50?

mi abuelo fue bracero en 1945-50 mas o menos que clase de beneficios podria yo reclamar yo soy ciudadano americano y me gustaria saber que clase de beneficios podria obtener por ser el nieto de un bracero tengo entendido que ellos tenian caja de ahorros yo tengo los permisos de trabajo que en aguel tiempo les davan para poder entrar a trabajar legal mente como braceros me gustaria saber quien podria darme mas informacion a cerca de mi pregunta

Do you like the beginning of my story?

You did a good job on characterization and bringing the feelings of the characters to the readers, but I am not inclined to read any longer. The baby's dead, then what happens? I feel bad for the characters, which is good, but I don't know why I should keep reading, you need to add a bit of suspense to keep the readers interested.

How the hell do headphones get so tangled up?

You put them in the bag, nice and neat YOU DON'T EVEN TOUCH THE BAG, then you take them out and it's like someone tried to make a freakin friendship bracelet out of them!

Alguien me podria escribir canciones de gratis ?

Yo quiero ser cantante se rapear como kendo kaponi y se cantar como tito el bambino bueno un poko pero le meto a ell chanteo. solo nesecito a alguien que sepa escribir y fuera bueno si es puertorique~o.... Gracias...

Do I Just Need To Get Out?

Okay, so I know this is a stupid question. I'm a 14 year old boy. Right now lifes not great. I went down a bad path, I vandalized a house in my town with my friends, I've been recently smoking. and I don't have to many friends, and the ones I have, I can't trust. I'm not popular in school, its obvious that I'm not liked there. My family gets in fights more than a family ever should. My aunt is addicted to drugs, and she tries to force money out of my parents to buy drugs. I live in a small town, where everybody is an *** hole. My life went from horrible, to BEYOND HORRIBLE! I want to be a movie director/ write screenplay, and I feel like I'm being held back from doing so. I have a horrible depression problem, I'm bipolar. I have ADD, ADHD, OCD and anxiety. I just want to move, start a better life with friends and just be "normal" But my parents don't want to move, from their shitty job, this hell hole of a town, and my ****** up family. I have a problem, I think I need to get out, I've thought of running away, I know this is drastic and I'm only 14. But honestly if you've seen how bad my everyday life was, you'd be ready to get the hell out of this place, any way you could. Tell me, Do I just need to get out?

What is a good recipe for Earthquake cake?

My aunt made that cake for my dad I think 3 years ago and I decided to make it for him this year for his birthday (and for my sister for her birthday). I had a cookbook that used to have it, but now it's worn and it got wet, so it's all runny and unreadable. I have up to nine days to have the ingredients for it. I remember it had coconut in it. (I remember that because I remember how I was reluctant to eat it because it had coconut)

Baby Name Personality?

Olivia Louise & Bailey Malcolm... I just prefer those names because it seems upbeat & progressive so I see them as being leaders with a good head on their shoulders, stable (trusting in the tried & true) yet able to adapt to new situations. IDK thats just me =) PS.. the first names sound upbeat while the middle names are stable...good balance

My curly hair is really tangled what do i do..?

Use detangling spray and keep on spraying it all over you head as you brush with a comb. Take it one section at a time, it might take a long time but at least youll get it done eventually :) good luck

My Mom is TAKING my MONEY?!?

Ok, I'm going to sell my bike to my cousin for 20 dollars. But, my Mom says that she is going to give the bike to him for free because she owes him 20 dollars! This is so unfair because my Mom didn't even BUY me the bike, my aunt did! What should I do? Shes gonna kill me if I say no.

Alguien que sepa de futbol y hable ingles me puede ayudar con esto?? Porfavor?

"They are far superior to us, are faster and stronger, so let's play counterpunch, we will let them attack us the whole game, 10 players we will be defending in our area except for 1 player, who is the one to stay up .. our own front will drop to defend and support us we must be careful not to commit any mistake at the back, we have to defend well and we can make a counter-punch in any open space we get. I know its a gay game, but if we play well, we will rout. "

Why do my toes lock up?

Like sometimes when i put my foot in a certain position it locks and it hurts alot and i cant even separate some toes that are tangled in eachother . they won't move.

My aunts Golden Retriever's name is Seth. She hates his name. Any suggestions of a new name?

So she wants to change his name. But she wants it to sound as similar to Seth as possible because he is a service dog and his card says Seth on it, so it has to SOUND like Seth. Any suggestions?

How do i tell my sister I need to live my own life I can't always be with her?

So my sister is 23 and I'm 16 the thing is I helped my sis when she had her first child 3 years ago I helped her clean I cooked but now alls she does is call me to help her I understand she's not a good cleaner and can't cook but sometimes I want to hang out with friends. She has me cook breakfast in the morning (I don't live with her but sometimes I'll go in the morning about 9 because she calls and sometimes I sleep over to make it easier) I clean I take care of her son take him to the park feed him drop him off to day care pick him up take him home and he's mines until my sister gets home. There was a time where she called me told me she was going to take me out for fun and she was going to leave her son with her husband but it ended up being that she left me in the house with the baby and left with her husband. (there was a time I stoped answering her phone calls cuz I didn't want to go). I really care for the baby I love him and if I leave it to my sister her sin will starve and be live in a dirty insannitary place. My mom says she's not going to help her because shell never learn and she doesn't want to commit the same mistake my aunt did, she took care of her daughters daughter and then the rest followed she took care of her childrens kids and is still taking care of them she is 48

Is their something wrong with my testicles?

Like looking down if i feel my scrotum the left testicle tubes feel kind of tangled and i can barely feel the tube on my right testicle. My left one hurts from time to time, its not an unbearable pain but it feels like i sat on it or something. I am 15 by the way. I have had a physical recently but they didn't ask me to drop my pants so that didn't get examined. Is their something wrong with me??? I am kind of freaking out. All answers appreciated, thanks for them.

How do you us Ser in a sentence in Spanish?10POINTS?

It could mean be, as in a verb, but if you were to only use it as a verb, it might sound like this, Why do you have to be so______________

Do i have split ends?

i dont have a pic but hear me out, ok i have normal hair for the most part, but there are some parts of my hair, like in the front, where it cant stay in one place, like it curls, my brother says my hair is just curling but i doubt that cuz my hair isnt curly, and he has em too just way more all over the place, i doubt he knows much though, and im a guy btw trying to grow out my hair but seems very hard and if i have split ends, i hear my hair cant grow, i got a trim 8 weeks ago, and my hair seemed fine and pretty soft, but now some parts , especially the front part of my hair cant stay straight, in the back of my hair too, it goes partially up on its own now, my hairs not tangled, or turned reddish i think whats the problem?

I can't remember the title of a book!!!?

I read a book a while back and it was hilarious! It was about a girl in her 20's that was a fortune teller or a psychic or something and she was asked to lie to a client by the clients family. It envolved a tangled web of diaster and humor and somewhere in there, something to do with a diamond ring. I think the cover was pink and had a martini glass and diamond ring on it... any help????

I Miss My Brother Already!!!!?

My cousins are moving to North Carolina today, and they were gonna stay with my aunt and other cousins, and my aunt (the one that's moving) said that my other aunt wants my oldest brother to go stay with them, get a job and help pay their bills. I didn't think my brother would actually consider their offer, but this morning when I woke up, I found out that he was going with to North Carolina. I thought he was just going there to visit, and I was mad at him because I wanted to go. He came into my room and asked what's wrong and I said "I wanted to go to North Carolina!" and he said "I'm sorry." and then he left. Now my mom and dad and siblings said he went there to move there. He was my favorite brother, and we always hung out. Now I feel terrible, I didn't even say goodbye! I miss him so much. He doesn't have a phone or e-mail, so I don't know how to keep in touch. I might never even see him again. I'm crying so much right now, I don't think I've cried so much in my life! I hate my stupid aunt!!! It's all her fault, she's so selfish! She only wants my brother there to help pay her stupid bills!!! What should I do!!!

My right testicle is higher then the other and i have slight pain in my groin?

I am 20 years old and my right testicle has moved up significantly in the past few months. I didn't think anything of it because i didn't feel anything. About a week ago it started to hurt when i touched it to try to lower it. There is also slight pain in my groin, like by my hip. I can't get to the doctors for a few days, i am just afraid it might be serious. I have been reading forums with people with similar symptoms, and they all say that the testicle got tangled around the tube? Could any maybe give me some insight to this and possibly some reinsurance that i won't have to have surgery.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Tangled vs Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2?

I bought a $15 iTunes gift card and I want to buy a Comedy+Family movie so that everybody can watch in my family. But I have to choose between Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 and Tangled (I haven't watched both) I watched the first Chihuahua movie and was very excited when the 2 comes out, but I've heard a lot of negative comments/reviews about it, and Tangled is newer and many people recommend it, buy I don't know how it is actually like. I want to buy something that is worth the money. (Both are at the same price)

I Think My Brother Just Moved Out?

My cousins are moving to North Carolina today, and they were gonna stay with my aunt and other cousins, and my aunt (the one that's moving) said that my other aunt wants my oldest brother to go stay with them, get a job and help pay their bills. I didn't think my brother would actually consider their offer, but this morning when I woke up, I found out that he was going with to North Carolina. I thought he was just going there to visit, and I was mad at him because I wanted to go. He came into my room and asked what's wrong and I said "I wanted to go to North Carolina!" and he said "I'm sorry." and then he left. Now my mom and dad and siblings said he went there to move there. He was my favorite brother, and we always hung out. Now I feel terrible, I didn't even say goodbye! I miss him so much. He doesn't have a phone or e-mail, so I don't know how to keep in touch. I might never even see him again. I'm crying so much right now, I don't think I've cried so much in my life! I hate my stupid aunt!!! It's all her fault, she's so selfish! She only wants my brother there to help pay her stupid bills!!! What should I do!!!

Amino acid residues structural formula! Anyone have any clue?

Part of the amino acid sequence of the enzyme trypsin that helps to digest your food can be represented by the three letter code for amino acids as Ser-Leu-Cys. Write out this sequence using structural formulae for the amino acid residues.

My bird actually bit his sore foot off today.?

My bird got his foot tangled in his bed and it was bent back and really swollen. We took him to the vet and she gave us antibiotics and some stuff to put on his foot that smelled really bad. She also had us put him in a small cage where he couldn't move around. After the first day of treatments he started biting at his foot, we thought it was because he wanted to be outside with the other bird so we put him in his own cage during the day and kept a eye on him then after day 3 of treatment he was still biting at his foot so we stop putting it on there thinkning it was about the smell of the treatment. now it has been a week and he has bite his whole foot off. It was all black and now its gone. I really don't have the money to keep taking him to the vet. I banaged it up so that he won't bit at it anymore. What should i do?

Why do boys like to hang out in the streets , whats the big deal?

I love my family dont get me wrong my grandma had 5 children my two aunts a cosmetologist and a nurse my mom an insurance saleswoman two uncil one thats a wonderful lawyer but her youngest 24 yrs old is out of control he is older than me by 2 yrs yet I am more responsible than him everytime he runs in the streets grandma call me and my husband to get him out of trouble or bail him out of jail and I am tired of it all everyone has tried talk to him even my hus. is there something we are just not saying ? what's in the streets they he keeps runin out gettin into?

Need help finding a schematic for a boat's motor?

I am trying to find this schematic for this boat motor for my grand father, he really wants to work on it but any site we find that has the boat schematic we have to pay for it and sadly don't got the money to spare at the moment, but I am wondering if anyone can help me find the schematic for this Motor all the info It says is that its a mercury, model mark 25, ser# 1011019, a kiekhaefer that's all the motor says on it, I believe my grand father also said it was a 2 cylinder so an help finding a website that lets us see the schematic for free that would be much appreciated

Why is the swelling in my arm persisting?

Last week Thursday I was involved in a Wakeboarding accident where the rope got tangled around my arm when I fell and ended up dragging me for about 100 ft. After the boat had stopped I unwrapped the rope from my arm to find some rope burn and numbness from the tight squeeze of the rope. However, today the rope burn is almost completely healed but the swelling where the rope was caught has not gone down. There is no black and blue bruising just a large ring around my arm that is relatively pain free...should I be worried/ get it checked out?

Extremely thin wavy hair help?

Would you use gel or moose to scrunch fine thin wavy hair? My hair is straight in some places and curly in others. The hair closet to my neck has been getting extremely ratty lately and tangled... I have been using Herbal essences totally twisted gel, then moose then hairspray... Help please?

How can I change the way my hair is? help?

heyy, I need some help because my hair is just so crazy . Okay so my hair is naturally loose curls, dark brown. and about 4 inches under my shoulders . And it's just so brittle, like I tie it up into a messy bun, and when u take the elastic out .. my hair just stays in place, its not loose or whatever, it's so hard to manage. it's like it doesn't even go into a messy bun, it's just goes into a brittle bun. And I hate it, I have great shampoos and everything. But when I come out of the shower. I put in some leave-in conditioner, and I comb through my hair while it's wet, and get it all de tangled. and theres still nice curls . & then I let it air dry.. and "BOOM" so brittle and puffy !! please tell me some ways on how to makes it more manage able and not brittle, that will just fall out of my messy bun when i take out the elastic. Please help, thanks :) ( and I hardly ever straighten my hair ) .

Spanish help please!!!!?

I called Isabel Torres. Yo____ (be) low and my ojos____ (be) blue. Yo___ (have) a sister. She ____( be) very friendly and cheerful. Yo____ (be) lawyer and she ___ (be) nurse. Nosotras____ (be) hard workers. Nosotras____ (have) many friends.

I want to fill the blanks with spanish verbs - ser or ester?

Ser means "is", ester is not a word in Spanish. But if you meant "estar", well that means, "to be or being"

Did I correctly translate this to Spanish?

Change the English version of " Me and my mom went...", the very first sentence to "My mom and I".

Ulcerative Colitis and Working out....?

Anyone with Ulcerative Colitis (no googlers or aloe elite b/ser's!!) We all know it is super hard to lose weight gained from the steroids and other meds! I have tried almost everything! What has worked for you? Cardio? I am in need of advice! Thank you!

I'm having a problem with my ear?

I went to the beach Wednesday and the waves were really high and I lost my balance and got caught in an undertow. When I got up my left ear was filled with water. I went on shore and laid my head down trying to get the water out. It was better but it still didn't feel right. I put an earache medicine in it when I got home, but 3 hours later it still felt full. Thursday it still felt full, but not as bad. Yesterday I thought I was fine until I got out of the shower. I cleaned my ears and the one that was full suddenly felt more full. I didn't get how it went from ok to feeling full again. I finally put swimmers ear in my ear last night after work. This morning I woke up and it still feels full. I called my dad and he doesn't want to go to the doctor or hospital yet. I started crying because this is getting so frustrating and I want my ear to feel better. He called my aunt and she got me another earache medicine and some sweet oil. We put them both in my ear and now my ear feels more full than it has in the past 3 days. I don't know what to do and am getting pretty upset. We're now going to try some earwax removal. This'll be the 5th stuff we've put in my ear to try and help. Luckily there hasn't been any pain whatsoever. My ear just fells like it is filled with cotton or something. I don't know it just doesn't feel right.

Can extended family having mental disorders make it more likely for you to get one (even a little)?

Im wondering this as I don't know if I have any direct family members that have mental disorders (my oldest brother was a drug abuser and my dad has been negative for longer than I've been alive and he claimed he was depressed before; but as I said Idk if either of them had mental issues), but I know I have a few cousins and aunts that have mental disorders, and I know I've been depressed/bipolar since senior year of high school (close to a year and a half or so ago). I get depressed spell that last usually from weeks to months, and manic spells that can last for a few days straight, or can be a minute at a time (or at least that's how I feel, its like im the happiest person on earth one minute, and almost crying the next); either way the manic spells last for a few days, just that I get momentary breaks if its the second way. I also think about cutting myself a lot when im anxious/depressed or in my rapid manic spells (again, that's how it feels to me sometimes) and I used to cut myself a lot, but im on medication and I go to therapy and im really trying to stop (though sometimes I enable myself by buying a knife and I secretly cut when I feel like I absolutely must when im in a bad depressed/anxious spell. I've also been thorough a lot over the course most of my life (for 14 of 20 years I've had my dad yelling at me, my mom nagging me to clean, and my oldest brother using me/my family and robbing me/my family blind, again for drugs as stated .) So does having extended family with mental issues make it more likely that you will have mental issues, or is it just direct family?

What should I do about my husband? HELP!?

He seriously has bi-polar issues, One second he's happy, and chatting away with alot of compliments and then he gets very sinister, mean, attacking, arrogant. And I'm like totally confused. Then he's very quite, not talking, ignoring, staying on the computer for hours and hours. We go outside andhe wants to come but then begins the complaining, snide remarks, and aggresive behavior. We have two children together an I am a very loving person. He does not belive in taking medication, he believes in the Divine Power I guess for the cure. His family also has the same mental issues. i dont know what to do, and leaving him is NOT the answer, because we have been together for seven years and i love him. Is their anyway I can cope without getting so tangled with his mental issues, and I also don't get so drained out, or depressed like him?

Would like advice from professional dog trainer on 9 week old puppy!?

Ok so Im not a professional but I am in the same position as you, I recently got a 9 week old chocolate lab. I do know tons about dogs and I am looking to get involved with animals in the future. First off, Just so you know, female dogs do tend to be more independent than males, so it is possible that she is just stubborn. In that case you are going to have to experiment and see what gets her attention, I have just started "clicker" training my puppy, and I think it will work great after we repeat the training every day. I find that if you try to walk faster they will stop getting distracted by leaves and such on the walk. Also keep the leash pulled firmly so that the puppy stays by your side instead of wondering around, but not too tight! Now the last issue... when she tries to bite you, this may sound bad but I know of a lot of people who do this, and I have done it to my puppy, you need to make sure she knows that you are the boss by biting her on the ear. I know its sounds bad but it really does work. My puppy had the same problem where she was biting my hands and my legs and after I did that she knows when shes too rough. I bit her on the ear just hard enough to where she squeaked a little but then I stopped. In a way you need to "give her a taste of her own medicine" ha ha, and make sure she understands why you are doing that, tell her "No Bite!" and use that as your word to make her stop, be consistant! I hope it works out for you.

If I brush my hair after using Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves Shampoo&Conditioner, will it still bewavyy?

I bought the Garnier Fructis Wonder Waves Shampoo and Conditioner because I've always struggled getting my hair wavy. But when I get out of the shower and brush out the tangles, will it still dry wavy? Or will brushing it make it straight?

Are there any assisted living facilities for physically handicapped adults in Cincinnati?

My 39 year old aunt is looking for a place to live on the east side of Cincinnati. It seems that all assisted living facilities are full of the elderly and nursing home type places. Anyone know of a place with younger residents?

I'm 16 and my hair is falling apart!!?

I understand that we shed 100 strands of hair or a little more a day..but im loosing a lot more! like i ran my fingers through my ahir and a fairly good sized chunk came out and it wasn't tangled or not pregnant or on birth control..and I'm just wondering what could cause this. I workout every day and eat a healthy diet and so im just wondering what i can do to stop it..and the hair isn't broken the follicle is still attached..thanks for reading this and any help would be greatly appreciated!

In need of some girl advice please help.?

Ok there's this girl I meet at my cousins house and my cousin is a girl btw. So ok I saw this girl twice and the first time we meet we had really deep eye contact and my heart was Pumping hard and every thing felt like it was in slow motion. Then we saw each other again about a week later. And this time I had my shirt off because I just got done swimming and yea I have a 6 pack. I caught her looking me up and down once when I looked back she looked away real fast. Then like 30 secs later she looked me up and Dow. Again I caught her again this time she didnt look away she went off into andead stare in my eyes and I went off in a stare into her eyes to. And then she grab her arm i dont know if she was nervous or what. But I am interested in her and my aunt had told her because she caught us looking at each other and my aunt said do you think she is cute i said yea very. Then she said imma tell her that I said thats fine with me. So she did and when she told her she said that she just looked at her her being my aunt. And I don't know what that means? And I decided to leave my number for this girl and my aunt said I'll give it to her. And btw I left it to my aunt to give to her because I never know when I'll be outhere and my aunts gonna tell her this for me since she wasn't there. Say for me here's his number he said he would like to get to know you better if that's ok with you?. Was that a good idea for me to do? So is this girl interested in me or not and what does that mean when she just looked at her does that mean she is caught off guard and nervous and doesnt know what to say? Please answer. And btw my aunt tells her this because I never know when I'm out to there house we just go and so she told her for me I look at it as I'm making an effort. And I feel so strongly for her like I've know. Her before. And next time i see her what should I say to start a conversation with her? And she seems very nervous. And why is she different from other girls I feel nervous to even approach her why is this when I've never done this b4 to any other girls? Ab PS the first time she saw me she was with my cousin and she went off in a dead stare in my eyes then when she was riding off she turned around to look at me again is that good or bad? And I know I'm not lusting I know myself when I lust for a girl. And you don't think I've made it really awakward for her so you I did the only thing that I could do was let her no any way I could that I like her so I did. And my sister isn't going to find out anything for me she just wants to be her friend to see if she mentioned me then she would tell me if she said some thing food about me.

I'm having a problem with this hoe?

I was in the backyard and tried to use the hoes but it was tangled up. I can't get it untangled. Have any suggestions?

I need to help on this topic!?!?

So, I recently(2 or 3 weeks ago maybe) started masturbating. I looked all over the internet to see other peoples opinions on it and proved myself that--yes, as long as I'm not obsessed it's normal, even at my age. But lately my fingers aren't enough and I've been salvaging through my home to find things to give me enough 'pleasure'. I have a lot of stress due to moving out my apartment into a new one with my family. I have a stash of random things in a drawer and clean the ones I use when ever I can. I've even used the end of a butter knife! not safe, i know. I don't have anyone to tell about this! My friends that are girls haven't talked to me since June 10th or something and I only e-mail my guy friend from school. I'm definitely not telling my sister, dad, aunt, mother(shes not around), or relative because they all would look down on me and probably wouldn't be able to see my face. I don't know what to do! Please!

Tangled hair extensions!!!?

I bough some wefted hair extenstions at salleys the satin strand brand they were about 75$ and they claim to be remi hair but they tangle all the time im so disapponited does anyone know of any good quality hair at salleys that dont tangle if not do you know of any websites that sell hair that is good quailty good priced that wont tangle!!!?? thanks so much!!!

I'm meeting my boyfriends fam on the 4th of July? Please Help!?

I'm meeting my boyfriends extended family on the 4th of July. What should I wear? I don't want to look too dressy, or too casual. I definitely don't want to look "slutty", or anything. But, I do wear a size DD and it's hard not to have them out.. I don't know what to wear! It will be all his family, 2 aunts, an Uncle, 3 to 6 cousins and his Dad and Step mom. I've met his parents before, just not everyone. Please Help.

Husband left me, What now?

You claim you are moving on, but your questions speak otherwise. If you'd truly moved on, you wouldn't be concerning yourself with the "whys" of it all like you are.


Really, the only thing you can do is find a cute cut or hat, continue with the deep conditions weekly, and wait for it to grow out. Once hair is damaged, that's pretty much it. You can hide it with a cut or products containing silicone, but those are both bandaids. Sorry ma, I've had a few of those disasters myself :(

Why won't my parents let me make my own mistakes?

Okay, I'm starting to act more like a teen and my parents won't let me do what I want I understand some things they won't let me do (Like get my nose pierced although i am getting my eyebrow pierced soon) but when my mom says "Pick out a hairstyle you want" (and I was and still am into old music like Cher, Greatfull Dead(which both my parents liked when they where my age), And alot more so I told her I wanted a Style from like the 80's and her my grandmother and aunt all didn't like it so my mom wouldn't let me get it ( I understand that my mother just didn't want me to be made fun of) so I got my hair cut a different way, then she wouldn't let me get it cut the way I wanted to again so I've been letting my hair grow out and me and her are getting it cut for my birthday she tells me the same thing and I told her I want a faux mohawk which my mother and father said no too because my father well he just won't let me do anything I want to untill my mother ask why then he says he doesn't care I think he just says what he thinks my mom is going to say and my mom won't let me get it because " I got my hair cut short like that and regretted it" my Great grandmother who won't let me out of her sight when we go to town said "she (my mom) did what ever she wanted to when she was your age" she also says she just learned to let kids do what they want to or they will do it behind your back, and she is right most kids that I know would but I don't because I want them to trust me and I just don't know how to convince them to let ME make MY own mistakes they always say they did it and regretted it so I can't do it. I have told them I'm never going to drink alcohol, smoke, or get a tattoo (maybe a few piercings) but I said I'm going to collage even though I want to be a actress/director I'm going for my fall back job but that will come up in another question. My question it pretty much how to convince my parents to let me make my own mistakes and why they won't let me.

Does anyone know what it's called when people are singing and they make that guttural noise?

ok so everyone i know can make this noise, and i dont actually know if its guttural, but its this noise that people can make when theyre singing and in Tangled, Mother Gothel made the noise when she was singing mother knows best and so was like "mothAHHHHHHHHH" and yeah, if anyone knows what im talking about and knows tha name for that, thank you so much!!!! :D oh and haley from american idol made the noise every two seconds! and people do it when theyre talking to, and yelling and yeah, thanks!!

Why would she tell me to dye my hair blonde?

Ok, I have an aunt who has like 4 daughters and they are all beautiful, I have to say. They being my cousin you can say you can't deny blood because I'm also attractive. But my aunt told me I should dye my hair blonde because I'd look better. First off I have long dark brown hair, brown eyes, and light brown skin... basically just imagine an Indian girl with blonde hair? Could she have been hating?

Friday, July 15, 2011

Which names do you like (baby names)?

I like Brookelle for a girl best, the others are ok but I can't say I love them. For the boys I like Andrew best but Jason isn't bad.

Would it be okay to have a dog on a tie-out if the dog was supervised the full time?

Sure, no problem. The 3 main problems with tie-outs are (a) that the dog could get caught around something or even strangle himself, (b) that the dog is a sitting duck for stray dogs and mean kids, and (c) that it often means the dog is ignored for hours on end. But if you are there to supervise, all 3 problems are taken care of.

Who are the "governing authority" mentioned in the Bible?

It means ALL authorities: The government, the church, your parents, teachers, etc. Christ tells us to respect and obey all whose interest is peace and order.

Can my 16 year old cousin move in with me if I can support him. I am 19.?

My cousin has two younger siblings; one is 10 and one is 5. My aunt, their mom is very verbally abusive towards them. She calls them harsh names such as b**ch, A**holes, and even little f**kers. She does not make a lot of money at all and can barely afford to support all of them. I can give my 16 year old cousin a better life. As for his siblings the 5 year old has her dad to go to and the other has other family members that have willingly offered to take him in. It is not fair my aunt denies my cousins better lives when she can barely afford to give them a life. She is never home and my 16 year old cousin is always left watching the other two kids. We live in CA. I just hope that with the opportunities all these kids have to have a better life it will rule in their favor, not get shut down.

Do you think I might need counseling?

um thts ridiculous to think tht people need to have a bf tht age...i never had one until 18?? society makes it look like its weird n unnatural to be single as a teen...i went through that and im also not ugly or anything....thts weird ur uncle cares so much. think u should get Him counseling

Question for any kindsa girls or emo and scene guys?

Help I go to ths camp and I've noticed ths guy aroung he's a good looking emo guy an I've been a wimp an havnt gone up to him ussually he's alone or with his mom an aunt an blaring some rock music tht I love I dnt wanna aprouch him lik stalkerish so wut I'm askin is if u were the guy in ths situation how would u want me (the girl In the situation) to go up to u in a way that doesn't weird u out. ....p.s. he's real quiet

Could it be my headset or the USB port?

Well by the sounds of things its you headset.if it was hardware problems in your computer the headset wouldn't be reading. A quick test just plug something into your USB port and if it works than it is defiantly your headset. Although... I game allot on my PC and I find I have to unplug my speakers to hear anything in my headset. But that is because I am using an audio card with all three plugged in.(Speaker,Mic,Headphone).Also another suggestion for you could be to adjust the levels on the device through speaker properties.

The POS who murdered my Little Sister in New York in Feb. of 2011, is charged with these charges....?

Without getting too technical about it, what all this means is that they are throwing the book at him, and he's looking at serious jail time. They are going after him with the intention of getting the maximum time for him.

How is the prologue?- Fantasy?

I love it. The description and all really fits and it does go into the prologue section, but since you said critism the only few things I can say (being really picky here) is that I'd change Thank-you for your time, your majesty to sincerely, your majesty and perhaps Dear King Elijah. Also if you want a place to publish your story and get feedback I recommend the website Good luck in future, and I hope I helped. XD :-)

What can I do with my hair? Chemically Straighten?

As long as you don't color you hair, I say go for it. See to a legit hair dresser. I'm sure you'll love it.

2002 sentra SER crank but won't start?

i have a 2002 nissan sentra SER ,2.5L , yesterday it started fine, i parked all day yesterday and today, and when i went to start it again it just cranked but won't start, i can't hear the fuel pump working, but is it possible that the ECM has gone bad? thanks in advance..

When was my winchester model 94 made?

I have a winchester model 94 level action and I have know idea whether it was a pre- 64 or not the ser.number is 1517547 model 94-30-WCF-

Walked in on aunt and uncle!!!!!!?

I had to give something to my cousin because he left it at my house so my mom had me take it in to him so I walked in the door and I see them laying on the floor making out half naked so I throw my cousins wallet and run in the rain and get in the car so we could go and they didn't see me until after I left bc I threw the wallet so Im really embarrassed so what do I do and how do I handle if and I didn't tell anyone

Please rate/Criticize my 4 Magic the Gathering Decks?

Your decks are all over the place, they are not very good at all 1/10. Having single cards in decks is NOT going to work, you need 4 copies of everything but planeswalkers and legendary creatures.

Questions About Purchasing a Cosplay Wig?

How about this wig? It's 80cm and it's heat resistant. I trust this company. I buy all my cosplay stuff from them :) a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

What should I do, really confused at the moment?

You walked in on your aunt and the next door neighbor going at it. Your next door neighbor is married to your moms childhood friend who is also 6 months pregnant with his kid. Should I tell or pretend I saw nothing?

Can my 16 year old cousin move in with me if I can support him. I am 19.?

My cousin has two younger siblings; one is 10 and one is 5. My aunt, their mom is very verbally abusive towards them. She calls them harsh names such as b**ch, A**holes, and even little f**kers. She does not make a lot of money at all and can barely afford to support all of them. I can give my 16 year old cousin a better life. As for his siblings the 5 year old has her dad to go to and the other has other family members that have willingly offered to take him in. It is not fair my aunt denies my cousins better lives when she can barely afford to give them a life. She is never home and my 16 year old cousin is always left watching the other two kids. We live in CA. I just hope that with the opportunities all these kids have to have a better life it will rule in their favor, not get shut down.

What is the best way to wash your hair with feather extensions.?

okay, so i'm getting feather extensions this week and i'm not sure how i should wash my hair. i'm like scared ill rip them out or ruin them. I'm also scared like they will clump together and get tangled. also when i get out of the shower i wrap my hair in the towel.. would that be a bad idea to do with the feather extensions in? Also should i be careful when i brush my hair, because i'm very OCD about my hair being brushed. Pleasee help me! hahaa

Period and water help!?

I'm going to my aunts house tomorrow... Well i started my period today. My family is going to itchnatucky river...and the river lasts for 4 hours... WHAT AM I SUPPOSE TO DO!? I bleed alot on my first couple of days.. is there anything i can do? plz hurry and help!!!

How old is my break barrel shotgun?

I have a 20 guage shotgun, and i need to Know how old it is. The compony is New England Firearms, it is singleshot, and a break barrel, the pat. num. is 3988848,the ser. no. is nm207464. It is a pardner model sbl.

Pascal in Tangled (Disney)?

That was exactly the point its not exactly everyday you find a chameleon in Germany. Rapunzel was special and not exactly something you see everyday, wouldnt you think that her best friend wwould be like that too. Thats what they had in common, where as flynn rider was just your everyday hot theif.

What to say when you've been uninvited from a wedding?

My cousins wedding is quite soon. We have family problems with them anyway, but my grandad forced my aunt to invite us. My other aunt called and said she wanted to speak to my mum privately. It's been confirmed that she's been asked by my aunt to uninvite us from the wedding. We're sure about this, so no point asking us to recheck. What should my mum say?

Help!! Problem w/ dvd?

I recently bought tangled on dvd off of ebay. It was brand new, but every time i play it (and this happens in every dvd player i've tried) an icon that looks like a camera ramdomly pops up at the top of the screen during movie play. It's really annoying and distracting from the film! Is there a way i can remove this or will i just have to go a store and buy a new one?? Thanks! ( please excuse any typing errors as i am on my ipod)

Do you think what I'm planning to do is right?

no, because you are 13 and only thinking about how much money you will make. you have to have a real passion to be a surgeon, not just see $$

Name of animated movie?

Hey there is this animated movie, kinda animated like Tangled, but its two guys one with long blonde hair and i think they're treasure hunting and at one point theres like a horse involved idk. its around 2004-2008

How did you first become a P&Ser?

I actually stumbled upon it whenever I was asking a question...then I started answering all the answers on here and just had alot of fun. Since then P&S has been home :)

Should I continue going natural?

I have Afro-Ameriacn hair and I'm in transition of going natural. I haven't had a perm for 8 months, and I have about 1-2 inches of natural hair and the rest is permed. I just took my braids out, and it was extremely tangled and hard to manage. It took days to comb out, wash and straighten, not to mention how painful it was. Will it be this hard to maintain when I cut my permed ends off? Did the braids cause or contribute to the tangles? Or should I just give up and relax it?

When did "estar" and "ser" split in Spanish?

The reason the romance languages are different is that they mixed Latin with the native language. I don't suppose there was a "split" but the native language before the Romans came must have had these as two separate concepts and they maintained that when the native language was mixed with Latin.

Need to find out if I was adopted?

Ok here is a little history. Im 32 years old. I love my mom but I have never been close to her. I have heard all the childhood stories but some are just hard to believe. She said she had to have a c-section to have me but there is no scar ( never was a scar couldnt of faded). Her and my dad were married 9 years before i was ( concived) Im a only chid and there was never any form of birth controll ( didnt believe in it ) they both have dark brown hair blue eyes i have light brown hair green eyes.(everyone in my family has blue eyes) However i have (had passed away) a aunt i look identical too so much that a pic of her at age 4 or 5 i swore was me untill i seen the date in the corner. my family can keep a secret locked away and never spill it. I would really like to no if my aunt is my biological mother if so i have a brother/cousin. i dont have the money for a dna test please if there is anyway anyone knows for me to start my search it would be helpful thanks oh and like i said asking the family is out of th question.

How to tell my mom that i wanna be actress?

I'm 14 years old, i already told her that, but i think she don't get it serious, my aunt and her were talking and my aunt said: ''oh if you want i can spend some time with her on RJ for making audition and this stuff, if she has talent..'' ( i'm brazilian) but i wanna go to USA, i wanna enter into some drama classes and put my heart into it , but my mother don't know that i dream so high , how tell her that i want it without sounding ridiculous ? i wanna prove to people that i can do it, i can like imitate,impersonate persons really easy and perfectly, my friends say that i have to be actress and singer, (they aren't lying)

My dvd is showing a camera?

I recently bought tangled on dvd off of ebay. It was brand new, but every time i play it (and this happens in every dvd player i've tried) an icon that looks like a camera ramdomly pops up at the top of the screen during movie play. It's really annoying and distracting from the film! Is there a way i can remove this or will i just have to go a store and buy a new one?? Thanks! ( please excuse any typing errors as i am on my ipod)

What is wrong with my puppy?

If she went off the food before the dog park incident, it could be a medical problem. Have your vet check her.

This question is for you girls be honest?

yes dummy. she does have feelings but you hurt her and you have to go above and beyond words do hurt and you can say i love you and im sorry everyday but it wont take the things you said away. the only way i can figure is that you all where not only best friends and someone to talk to, to trust and be honest someone to share all your demons with. but also had deep feelings for each other. you can only be honest and wake up everyday n think. "how can i show her not tell her and what can i do to make her life easier." she got alot of demons behind her pain and needs the love and support of her best friend.... she pushes away cause she needs you to persue her. im 32 and separated and only wanted a family and the truth. all i need is what i have said. forgods sake we are married not dating... 11 years of hard work and he shows none but says i love you and blah blah alot

HELP!! My cousin fainted!?

My cousin was at a festival, and he told my aunt he wasn't feeling well. He fainted later. He is 15, almost 16 if it helps. I don't know any more details except someone had to carry him out and now he's going to the hospital. Please help, I'm really worried about him. I'm not a troll. Please help!!

1930's treatment centers for tuberculosis?

my aunt left texas in the 1930's for treatment of tuberculosis--would like to know which state she might have gone.

Over Possessive Parents- Should I Leave?

I had to move out because they didn't think I would. You might have to & let them realize you are a adult & can do whatever you want now. Things will probably cool over after a little while so you'll probably get to move back in if you need to (money wise) you'll probably will be able to with less 'parenting' strings attached...

Hair extensions and salleys beauty supplies?

I bough some wefted hair extenstions at salleys the satin strand brand they were about 75$ and they claim to be remi hair but they tangle all the time im so disapponited does anyone know of any good quality hair at salleys that dont tangle if not do you know of any websites that sell hair that is good quailty good priced that wont tangle!!!?? thanks so much!!!

What should I do with my gross aunt's inheritance?

Recently my late aunt passed away. In her will she left me some money and.... her stripper gear, bra, thong, garter, etc. Yes she was a stripper once in her life. Problem is it's nasty & IDK what to do with it. Definetly not going to wear it (I'm a girl). Why did she leave me this crap?

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mom tells me to move out before summer ends but Im still in high school?

Do you maybe have some friends to stay with?? Maybe while you have a job and save up for a place to live, stay at a friends house. If not then tell your mom that there is no way that you can go to school, have a job, and afford to have a place to live. Tell her you'll be on the streets!!!

I need help in finding security code for my volvo 460 please?

battery disconnected radio now in off mode no code in manual radio ser:no: v02080 y7259168awould really like reliable petes help on this please

Help?! I'm still in love?

uughghhh the age limit is getting low day by day..okay firstly,,,,u r 14 for christs sake..u dont understand the whole concept of a relationship...and about virginity??? girl be reasonable..okay??just clean ur brain honey...take all those thoughts off ur mind,,u dont need all that junk..i would advice u to be careful with those guys,,,dont let ur harmone rush create a mess in ur life


a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

I really dont know what to do about this guy anymore..i need help!?

Girl, don't dont a guy thats in too girls and guys. Anal sex between men is such a common way to get aids. And do you really want a feminine guy being your "man"? there is nothing wrong with being gay but bisexual is kind of dumb, its like choose one or the other. Its much more common for girls to mess around sexually with other girls then it is guys. And also do you really want to worry about if he likes not only another girl but possible another guy?! its like twice the trouble! dump him!

Best Hair Extensions Possible?!!!!?

Okayy! So last year I bought hair extension on eBay for about $25 because I'm cheap. But that was when my hair was very short, like shoulder length. I now have run into problems with these extensions, 1. They were cheap, so all the hair has pretty much fallen out, and it was originally 100g now it's like 20g! And my hair is pretty thick. 2. Since my hair has grow just above my boobs, my 18" extensions are only maybe an inch longer than my real hair, so they are worthless and 3. They are old and tangled extensions because I wasn't smart enough to take care of them. So now, I am looking for new extensions. My criteria: thick enough for my hair, so I would like to know, people with thick hair, do you use 120g 140g or 160g? Also what length do I get? I want my hair at least past my chest so what length? 20"? And lastly what are the best brands? I have heard foxy locks are the best quality but I live in America and people say they take fervor to ship, and without the clips, the 160g is only 140g and that is a waste of my $100. I've heard good things about Luxy, burt again, for 120g a bit expensive, also heard of Hello Gorgeous but haven't heard any reviews. Need something fitting my criteria in the $50-$100 range, maybe a bit more...thanks!!

How to air dry african american hair?

I think you should put your hair into multiple braids when you get out of the shower. Add your leave in conditioner and then let it dry. Putting it in braids will stretch it out. When it is almost dry but still damp undo a braid and then blow dry it. Add leave in conditioner when you are taking down a braid so you can comb it.

Poetry Help.....BEST ANSWER FOR 10 POINTS! Ivor Gurney- 'The Target'?

hmm seems to me like a poem about war and the poet had to put the man out of his misery? also, this war theme is encouraged by the fact that he said that his mother is waiting for him? he's at war/in the military and each day could be his last, so this kind of situation would be hard on his mother and if he died, it would end the fear and offer closure. that's all i got from the poem, put more effort in, the questions aren't hard.

Is this mosquito bite infected?

After it bit u did u start itching? Cuz I live in wv and there is alot of mosquitos and I itches after it bit me

What does lv u mean??

My aunt said this to me but im not sure Ive already though the obvious but just want to make sure if im right or not.

My sisters four foot wig is tangled?

My sister has a gour foot long wig. The ends have gotten so tangled a wig brush isnt helping is that anyway to untangle it OTHER THAN cutting it?

What's an adequate punishment for a dog who bites?

This dog needs to be properly trained and exercised and not punished in this manner. This dog being on the end of a chain is going to make it more aggressive. Sadly, you being a child cannot go against your parents' wishes no matter how lame that they are. Talk to your parents about rehoming the dog. You do not need a dog with problems. This dog has some dangerous problems like biting in certain circumstances. This can ultimately cause his death. So there are some decisions to be made here for the good of the family and the dog.

I'm turning seventeen soon and I am getting all my wisdom teeth pulled in four days.?

youll be fine. dont worry i got gassed and felt nothing and no ive never been drunk from the smell of bourbon. they just pull your teeth out its not a big deal. dont worry too much about it

Should I conjugate several verbs in a row in Spanish?

Me gusta correr, pintar, patinar y bailar. They all remain in their root form. I'll be glad to help if you have any further examples.

I put relaxer on my daughters hair last night, and being the first time we were cautious and only left it?

in the minimum amount of time and the back of here hair did not relax at all, how long do i need to wait before applying the relaxer again to the part that didn't previously relax? she is biracial her hair is fine but extremely curly and its always painful when i brush her hair no matter what products we use to ease the tangled mess!!

How much is my bike worth?

well it sounds like it will take a days work to fix up. 40 bucks now. fixed up you could go 60-70 bucks. hope i helped.

Ive been biten by a tiger mosquito?

It was black and a white mosquito. I was in the back helping my aunt moving the pool floaties and watering them down. Then all of a sudden I started feeling this sting and it was hurting and I look down on the lower back of my leg (not on my ankle) and I saw it there just sucking my blood I guess and I slapped it off. Should I be concern or is it just a regular mosquito bite. I'm in Norfolk,Virginia by the way. (I've put acohol on my leg and let it sit there. I taped it to my leg.. For about.. 2hours and I haven't tooken it off yet.)

Que seria mas probable de pasar : jugar futbol profesional o cantar en una banda y llehar a ser famosos?

yo quiero cantar en alguna banda pero tambien me gusta el futbol quiero saber que seria mas facil de suseder?

How do I get my mom to buy me a dog?

Well I can't convince her to do it but i would like to have a dog i am an only child living with 1 mom and 1 dad with g fish and 2 turtles i asked her before and my dad took me to the pet store and bought me a fish then i asked again my aunt gave me 2 baby red eared sliders i have been training my turtles too eat from my hand it works ok and i train them to do tricks but hey it's a turtle! and lol they can run in a hamster ball

What are good products to detangle baby's curly hair?

My DD is black/pacific islander and she has gorgeous curly hair. Not kinky curly, just corkscrew and waves. At the end of the day her hair is a hot mess of tangles, so I've been using some baby detangler (Johnson & Johnson I think) every night. But I really don't like it- it sort of leaves a film on her hair. Anyone with mixed babies know what works well for their hair? I'm not using any other products except detangler, but still I want to use something good that won't damage her hair so early. Thanks!

Is my bike worth fixing or should I just buy a new one?

Today I found my old bike from back when I was a kid. I'm 20 so this wasn't so long ago. I decided to fix it up but I've ran into a few problems. I don't know anythinga bout bikes so I'm not sure if this is worth fixing or if I should just buy a new one. First off, the chain is a rusty mess. Second, the inner tube on the back tire is deflated and all tangled up in the spokes and chain. The seat is covered in mold and most of the caps on the handle bar are gone. It was never some high quality bike, just something I got for my 11th birthday at Toy's R Us probably. I'd really appreciate it if someone out there who knows alot about fixing up bikes could give me their two cents. Thank you.

En el caso de la asamblea costaricense, qu� se entiendo por Decreto Presidencial?

Estoy trabajando en una investigaci�n sobre ordenes del d�a en la Asamblea Legislativa de Costa Rica pero no entiendo muy bien el concepto de Decreto Presidencial, su funci�n y los tr�mites que tiene que cumplir. Entiendo que es algo como una proposici�n del ejecutivo para modificar el orden del d�a, o para retirar o incluir un proyecto en el orden del d�a en per�odo de sesiones extraordinarias pero no entiendo muy bien si es algo que los legisladores deben votar, o simplemente algo que acata la Asamblea. Tampoco entiendo si el t�rmino"decreto presidencial" se usa solo para describir procesos como el que describ� anteriormente o si es m�s amplio y hay varios tipos de "decreto del ejecutivo" Estoy muy confundida porque aqu� en Colombia un decreto del ejecutivo es una ley que el ejecutivo sanciona durante un periodo de estado de emergencia y que no debe pasar por los tr�mites ordinarios para ser implementada. AYUDDAAAAAAAAAAA estoy muy confundida

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Help, I am seriously in need of some answers!!!?

I am in serious need of some advice about my issue with other females. I often find myself jealous of the way they are comfortable with their feminity, their manners.. etc. I am a female who has been verbally abused by her father, he is emotionally distant, verbally abusive, used to call me ugly when I was younger, and made fun of me, called me names. Yet, at the same time, he wants me to be a high achiever and to even get a graduate degree perhaps. It is weird. When I was a kid, because I never felt affirmed by him, he never called me pretty, beautiful or said "I love you". Because of this, I used to sometimes dress up in comfortable clothes, like a guy. I find that when I am around him especially, I am very awkward and I do not like to appear "feminine and beautiful or sexual" in any way. I purposefully walk awkward, look awkward and stiff because I feel so tense and ugly around him. But I have many guys who crush on me, and I have a boyfriend who tells me I am beautiful all the time. All my aunts and my mom think I am very pretty. except my father. he never told me I am. Because of this, I think, I resent other females who are comfortable with their bodies, with their sexuality, and are naturally "in flow" with it... whereas me, I either try too hard and end up looking hungry for attention or needy, in turn making most of other women dislike me, or become jealous, or, I end up covering up my sexuality, acting as if I am "Sexless" - androgynous... but then I feel unattractive to males. I don't know what to do about this. I want to feel feminine, I want to be comfortable with myself. But I feel like I am disgusting, no matter how many men tell me otherwise. I need help!

My hair is very strange?

Some days it is oily, some days it is dry. It get's tangled easily and it is fairly thick which makes it harder for me to style it. I style my hair in simple ways i do not use creams or sprays, i use all nature beauty products. I oil my hair three times a week with almond oil. I need some advice on how to tame my hair when it is dry, or to keep it neat when it is oily. Any home remedies or advice?

Lessen frizz in American girl dolls?

i figured if i save my American Girl Dolls,they could be worth something some day. but i have alot of dolls with frizzy and tangled hair. how do i lessen the frizz? in a cheap way. i dont want to send them to the store.

Should i trade my 2007 nissan sentra ser spec for a 2002 rsx type s?

My nissan has about 60k miles while the rsx on the dealer has 85k...i just want to drive something better even though its 5 years older...and yah i might lose some money on trade...any input would be appreciated..tnks

Is it weird if my mom goes to my bachelorette?

Okay don't invite your fiance's mom. And as for your aunt just be straight forward with her and tell her you appreciate all the planning she did for you but you'd rather go out with your friends.

What is the cheapest cell phone company in salem?

me, my two cousins, and my aunt need to get cell phones. I am willing to go on a plan. I live in salem, oregon. What is the cheapest one to get on? I'd like to have a lot of minutes, since it's all four of us, and unlimited texting.

My dad will not let me go to Universal with my cousins. Help?

if you have it on paper or tape, sue him. On the other hand, do some Research and ask why he wont let you go. maybe, he had an accident there, or he tripped on a rock, Or something.

How do you repair a yoyo?

My friend gave me his yo-yo to fix. The string is all tangled between the two plates around the axle. Its a Firedog yo-yo from YoYoFactory. I really don't want to break it because it was a gift from a good friend but I really want to untangle the string. What should I do?

Can I take my 17 year old friend into Canada?

I'm 19, and my friend is 17. I have an aunt and uncle that live in Toronto and we want to drive to go visit them. We both have passports, but is there a law saying I can't take him across? I don't want to be charged with kidnapping lol. I've read that we'll need a notarized and signed written permission letter from his parents but is there anything else?

A Biazzare Dream /...................?

U are feeling home sickness and want to live with ur family but as u are away, ur mind hankers after around ur desire to see ur family

I'm weaving a tangled web here with boys.. A little help?

Alrighty, I have been dating this guy for a while but he gets depressed all the time, I love him I do but it's depressing me, and it feels like were falling apart. Now where it gets crazy: I like Nick like crazy mostly because he's hot and I wanna get into his band. Ik it's wrong. There's also a man whore who keeps flirting with me.. Eh I guess he's irrelivant. Then there's jimmy who is totally attractive and nice, but he has a girlfriend. There's also my soon to be step dads son that I believe likes me and I kinda like him too he doesn't know I have a boyfriend though I think.. It's all weird. I don't wanna be selfish though but I think Im being selfish..

WHY is my boyfriend acting like this???? :-(?

Ok I've been with my boyfriend for quite awhile and we had a good relationship. He told me in the futur he wants to marry me and have kids wih me. I want the same thing. Recently he got a job at summerfest a fest in Wisconsin where there's bands and it's basically a drunk fest but his fest thing is kinda far away so he's living with his aunt for 2 weeks until summerfest is over and so far it's been 1 week and me and him use to talk/text everyday. Be works from 4pm-11:30pm and I understand he can't talk to me while he works but he could message me before he goes to work. We have only talked once within 7 days. Last night he texted me, "hey" and I said, "hey, what's up?" and he said, "nothing going to work" and I said, "nice, have fun!" and that ended that convo. I don't know what to do. Or how I should confront him. He's missing our avviversary on July 3rd so that kinda made me upset but I'm trying to get over the fact he won't be here. Any advice on what I can tell him???

Why is my hair tangled everytime i wash my hair?

Whenever I wash my own hair it is tangled and whenever someone else does its not tangled. What am I doing wrong? I use pantene shampoo pro-v for the first two washes and then i use head and shoulders danduff shampoo (classic usually) for the third wash. Then i use pantene conditioner for my conditioner and i try to comb my hair out and it tangled and then when i get out of the shower and dry it off with a towel and its still tangled. Why is my hair so tangled all the time?

Espanol help on hw porfavorrrrr?

Like the oil spill: just express your opinion such as i think its good/bad i think bp should do this... etc. hope this helps!!

My hair tangles or knots at the ends when I blow dry it. How can I stop this?

While you blow dry, brush your hair at the same time. Of course hair will come out, but not a lot. just a little, and anyways, you have no idea how much hair falls off your head in every passing day.. lol :D

Whenever i try playing angry birds on my PC,it shows the following error?

"The app has failed to start as the app configuration is incorrect.Reinstalling may fix this problem".I have Win Xp ser. pack 2.

Is this this bad? question abt the IN LAWS!?

My son is 20 months and i live in tennessee my in laws live in georgia and i HATE them so freaking much theyre always calling me asking if they can come get my son for like a week or two and im always making excusses for them not to have him they have maybe kept him 3 times total and only once for one week i swear i cant stand them and if i dont say yes to them coming to get my son theyll cnstantly keep asking me over and over again i have never told them i hate them and when i see them i put on a completely diffrent act i never have anyone but me watch my son other than maybe two times i let my aunt watch him but for no longer than one night i dnt want people having my son i want him for myself and yes i understand when he gets older going to a friends house and ya when he gets older letting him go to my in laws but i really dont want him going there now i honestly think hes to young maybe when hes 4 or 5 id be okay with it but i dont want him going i literally cry my eyes out when he goes and i told them they can only have him for a week since hes got a doctors apointment the next week and theyre like well we keep him til the day before his dr apointment uh no! last time tht crap happened theyre like just reschedule ya no! plus when he goes down there he comes bacl and acts like he doesnt no me so i feel like hes forgotten me plus his bedtime routine gets thrown out the door and they wont let him feed himself they have to set him on their lap and feed him and yes they have a highchair and he can feed himself last time he went was in feb and it took me forever before i got him back into his bedroom routine also now im potty training him and i have a feeling theyll mess that up too also i feel as if they just want to show him off bc the only time they want him is wen they are going somewhere where all her friends will be there they also have a pool and their daughter is like twelve and they let her hold him and shes dropped him like a million times and shes also let him fall off a high bed with hard floors so im afraid theyre gona let her take him in he pool and he will drown omg im going crazy their daughter is 12 and just now sleeping in her own bed but her parents have to be right next door and both doors have to be open or she wont sleep in her own bed ... anyway wat do u think i shuld do is this bad of me?

How long will it take my Keeshond's hair to grow back?

We took him to the groomer to be washed, brushed and groomed. There was a new owner. We told her we liked the way the previous owner always did a good job getting any tangles out without shaving our dog. Later my husband went to pick up the dog and found that he had been shaved. His fur is now 1/4 inch long! He does not look like himself at all. He looked like the dogs you would see on calendars before he was shaved. What can I do. They didn't even call to ask us if it was okay for them to shave my dog! If you have ever had this happen please let me know the results.

Why do the subtitles keep coming back after I keep selecting no subtitles on our Tangled DVD?

You press off then play/resume. If it doesn't work beyond that then you might have a defective disc.

What is a good shampoo to smooth frizzy hair?

I have naturally frizzy hair. When I dry it straight, it is thick and kind of wants to tangle. It looks good after I flight iron it.....for about an hour LoL. As soon as I get hot, get in humidity, or in wind, it frizzes. It doens't frizz as bad as when I first dry it, but it does get frizzy. What is a good shampoo that relaxes frizzy hair?

Trauma vs. L&D RN fields?

I want to become an RN, I'm going into the nursing program at Pima community collage, Tucson AZ after high school. I want to be an RN because I have had a fair share of medical problems and have seen how much a good caring nurse helps. either trauma or L&D. because when i was born i was pre-me. and my grandfather and aunt worked in the nursing field in ER and LnD and have told me great things what are the duties of each? and a rough pay for RN's in AZ? I know I'm a while away from becoming a nurse, I'm only a Jr. but I know i want to do it. I just can't decide on a field.

Poofy, frizzy, tangled hair issues?!?

I had the same Problem! The solution is to change your shampoo. I recommend to buy the Burt's Bees Very Voluminizing Shampoo and Conditioner. Leaves your hair looking great and smelling great. Also to make your hair less frizzy buy Coconut Milk by Organix. It leaves your hair look sleek and shiny and smelling great!

Accesory help?!? necklaces?!?

i wear two silver chains every day. in the shower, to work, etc. the only problem is that no matter what i do they always seem to tangle. i have friends who also wear two chains, but theirs always remain perfect, or at least in photos. is there anything you can get that can help seperate two chains of different length? thanks!

Is this healthy and why did this happen? 10 points?

I don't think so you had hair fall because of oil that you put....but hair fall is definatley to healthy for hair...

What is a good bedding that wont tangle in a long haired hamsters fur?

NEVER USE COTTON!!! if a hamster stuffs its cheeks, it can become entangled in its mouth and choke, or get abscesses from it rubbing inside its mouth. I have a long haired Syrian, and i use carefresh. they love it! Its soft, absorbent, and it doesn't become entangled in her fur. I would recommend this to everyone with hamsters.

How much is my pocket watch worth?

We have an Elgin pocket watch ser # 10863542 off movement. We know it's 1903/06 and only 6000 were made the pawn people said we got a deal at $120 but what's it really worth?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

How to not get friend-zoned by her?

Well, I'm practically already friend-zoned. We work together, she give me rides home when we close together, I help her out at work sometimes, etc. We're comfortably getting to know each other, but not because were dating. She also got out of a ser. rel. a few months ago. Because of that and working together I keep my distance and keep the flirting minimal. I'm taking it slow. I want her to feel comfortable and know I'm not trying to get in her pants but do want more than to be friends. I want to be able to play my cards right and know WHAT risks are worth taking with her and not screw this up. She doesn't respond too well to overt flirting either, she keeps her cool which makes it hard to tell if she likes it/me or not. We do get along and make each other laugh often. I want to ask her out soon but she is just not giving me enough feedback and I don't want to wait long enough to be finalized as a friend. Any kind of advice/perspective would be greatly appreciated.

My mom wont let me spend the night at my boyfriends house.. ASAP?

Even good teenagers are put into the general category of being "bad" kids just because they are not fully grown yet. However, your mom has pretty steady grounds on which to stand. Teens make poor decisions through hormones and other urges that they don't always use their better judgement over. You're only 15 and have plenty of times to sleep over at your boyfriends house. It's probably not you she doesn't trust its him. Just let this one go and she may grow to trust him better and you'll get your chance then.

Help Me Hair Problem?? Rough When Hair Is Wet & Tangle Feels Dry?

Okay So.. My Hair Was Long & Thin & I Started Dying It Under Black for 2 year every 3-6 months Straighten It One A Week I'm naturally Blonde & Have Thick Hair But The Last Time I Dyed It the Lady Left the Dye On Too Long.. I Got A Mild Chemical Burn Went Too The Doctors & He Checked Out My Hair & Scalp He Said My Hair Wouldn't Fall Out.. But Around Summer Time I Would Be Shedding.. & I Shed Like Crazy.. Like I Dunno If It is Normal .Shedding Started In May & Is Still Going On. But My Stylist Said My Hair Was Perfectly Fine & She Layered It But Cut It All Ugly. Then I Went Too Get It Just Get It One Length its some what pasted my shoulders.. but when i straighten My Hair It Is Rough & Hard Too Straighten It.. So I Stopped Straighten It...But When I'm In The Shower My Hair Gets Rough Tangle & Feels Extremely Dry.. I Dunno If It The Water Or What I Stopped Dying My Hair 5 Months Ago. I Still Have A Little Black In It.. But Not A lot..Don't Straighten it... ! I've Been Too Doctors Hair Salon Asking If There Is Anything Wrong With My Hair They Look At Me Stupid Like Your Fine. But I Can Run My Fingers Threw It Some times i cant It Is Mostly Always Tangled & Feels Rough.

How is the (uber short) prologue?- Fantasy?

I really like it. I sense a good story. And I think instead of the letter you could have dialogue, but that is just my opinion.

Do U think i have a bug phobia?

I swear to Jesus i HATE BUGS!!! Especially roaches and bees or anything crawly! Im cringing as im typing this. Whenever i see a bug i immediately get scared sh*tless and leave the area where bug is at. I cant even kill it because im too afraid i ALWAYS go get somebody else to do it! I even jumped out the shower when i saw a roach at my Aunts house!! Could this be a phobia???

Although I have always groomed my cat about 2x a week, she suddenly has knots.?

She hates the groomer and becomes very stressed. I have tried different combs, tangling solutions, baby oil and even cutting them out.i haven't seen her chewing them or anything different in her habits, I'm just lost. I tried to gently bath her in the sink but she is pretty old and set in her ways. Plus I look like I was attacked by a cactus. Got any ideas?

I reall want some girl advice please.?

Ok there's this girl I meet at my cousins house and my cousin is a girl btw. So ok I saw this girl twice and the first time we meet we had really deep eye contact and my heart was Pumping hard and every thing felt like it was in slow motion. Then we saw each other again about a week later. And this time I had my shirt off because I just got done swimming and yea I have a 6 pack. I caught her looking me up and down once when I looked back she looked away real fast. Then like 30 secs later she looked me up and Dow. Again I caught her again this time she didnt look away she went off into andead stare in my eyes and I went off in a stare into her eyes to. And then she grab her arm i dont know if she was nervous or what. But I am interested in her and my aunt had told her because she caught us looking at each other and my aunt said do you think she is cute i said yea very. Then she said imma tell her that I said thats fine with me. So she did and when she told her she said that she just looked at her her being my aunt. And I don't know what that means? And I decided to leave my number for this girl and my aunt said I'll give it to her. And btw I left it to my aunt to give to her because I never know when I'll be outhere and my aunts gonna tell her this for me since she wasn't there. Say for me here's his number he said he would like to get to know you better if that's ok with you?. Was that a good idea for me to do? So is this girl interested in me or not and what does that mean when she just looked at her does that mean she is caught off guard and nervous and doesnt know what to say? Please answer. And btw my aunt tells her this because I never know when I'm out to there house we just go and so she told her for me I look at it as I'm making an effort. And I feel so strongly for her like I've know. Her before. And next time i see her what should I say to start a conversation with her? And she seems very nervous. And why is she different from other girls I feel nervous to even approach her why is this when I've never done this b4 to any other girls? Ab PS the first time she saw me she was with my cousin and she went off in a dead stare in my eyes then when she was riding off she turned around to look at me again is that good or bad? And I know I'm not lusting I know myself when I lust for a girl. And you don't think I've made it really awakward for her so you I did the only thing that I could do was let her no any way I could that I like her so I did. And my sister isn't going to find out anything for me she just wants to be her friend to see if she mentioned menthen she would tell me if she said some thing food about me. But please tell me if you think she is interested.

Can child support be given directly to me ?

My mom has a mental health issue and refuses to seek out help , i'm 17 years old and no longer can deal with it i try and every time i do it ends in a horrible fight .. i moved in with my aunt .. she struggles to take care of us and my mom refuses to give me money because she doesnt want me to be here but acs has giving me permission to be here , my mom is using the 200$ a week on her own expenses cause i no longer live there which is unfair to my father who pays it and me who needs it is there anyway in the state of new york that money can be given directly to me ?

What should I get for my mom and dad's anniversary?

I have no idea at all what to get my mom and dad for there anniversary. when ever I ask them what they really want they just say you kids to be good( and thats impossible for all of us). Were having a family reunion before there anniversary and through it, so me and m aunt will go to get something.

What name do you like better out of these two names?

I am trying to pick the best name for my baby girl and i am torn between these two names. Lily Anne Rose Servant or Abbgail Jane Ser vant

My cousin copies everything I do!?

I'm 14 years old and she's 12 years old. Ever since we were little she copies everything I do! Like when I accidentally drop something I say "Fudge!" and ever since she heard me say that, she began to say it too. My mom and her mom (my aunt) are close so sometimes the 4 of us would go to the mall and buy clothes, then when I'll choose my own clothes to buy she's gonna look at them and then ask her mom to buy the same clothes that I chose but with her size! WTH?! And that's not all, SHE EVEN ADDS MY FRIENDS AND CLASSMATES ON FACEBOOK! She doesn't even know them. When I'm gonna log out on FaceBook, I always say "Out for now.", next thing I know she writes that too on her wall when she'll log-out! I also started putting random quotes on my wall and then she does that too! Talk about copycats! LIEFGQSHLKJFHLKLQ

How would you explain this to your kids?

I don't think I would say anything unless the kids asked, and then I would probably go with "your aunt prefers women, but likes men too" and leave it at that.

Can people sense things about people that are close to them?

I know there's that whole twin telepathy thing where twins can sense things about each other, but can this be true with other people. If so, how is this possible? I ask because, four years ago, my grandpa died. Me and My dad and sister all went back to my grandma's apartment after awhile instead of staying at the hospital like my mom and aunts because it was getting late. But me and my sister couldn't sleep so we were staying up and watching Road to Avonlea VHS's. Then, all of a sudden, I got this weird feeling.'s not like I suddenly knew "yep. he just died." but it literally felt like there was a piece of me missing. I've never felt anything like it before. Within three minutes, the phone rang and I knew what my mom was going to say. Sort of the same thing happened with my friend. She was sleeping on a cot in the hospital where her grandma was staying and suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. Three minutes later her grandma died, but she got to say goodbye to her first. Is this just some weird fluke or what?